Build IT startups after hours

  • Join startup teams that build business viable open source projects after hours
  • Get your fair share of the new forming business, according to your contributions.
  • Find support in the Tribehouse community in marketing, IT architecture, technology and more

Choose what you want to work on when you want

At TribeHouse you are your own boss. You can choose what project you want to participate when, changing the project whenever you like, using whatever technology you prefer to use best.

Build worldwide with top engineers

The vast majority of specialists working in Tribehouse are passionates building the projects after hours. That means a lot of knowledge, contacts and cultures to learn to know.

Gain new knowledge

Wish you had the chance of practically applying your new earned technology skills? Here its possible. Not only that, but you also gain access to exclusive live-training sessions with experts in their fields that help you and others, while you build your projects.

How it works?

Apply to Tribehouse

Let us get to know you. At this stage we just need some information about you. What do you work on? What are you passions, strengths and experiences? We need the info to be able to determine if we have projects running that could use your skill-set.

Welcome onboard!

Congratulations! If you already got your invitation email, be sure to join our custom EmployPlan workspace. Remember to join our private slack server too. You should have the invitation hidden somewhere in your inbox by now.

Fill out your profile

Now its time to provide a little bit more details about yourself. Tell us what courses you finished, what books you read and what is your experience with given technologies and tools. The information will be used to help the tribes determine if you are a good fit for their needs.

Apply to the teams

Go to EmployPlan Project and request to join for the open positions you found the most interesting.


Connect with your team, attend their recurring meetings, learn what there is to do and start contributing.


Frequently asked questions 💡

What is Tribehouse?
Tribehouse is a community of tribes that actively help each other in building successful open source projects, focusing on delivering sellable solutions to problems, with the most minimalistic solution
What is a Tribe?
A tribe is a group of people attempting to deliver one concrete project
How Tribehouse helps?
We provide private expert-led live training sessions, much what you would expect from an accelerator but less compact. We help determine ownership of projects. We assist with contacts and promotion. We organize regular townhall meetings where projects can share experiences. We supply tribes with a constant inflow of fresh blood to keep them going.
Where do the projects come from?
Well, mostly the community. We come up with interesting projects, have a vote and then we build up the teams
How is Tribehouse earning to support itself?
First, above anything else Tribehouse is a community, but even communities still need to pay their bills. Tribehouse leaders observe how you work in projects and may mark you as verified talent. Companies could be reaching out to you and if they hire you, we get a fee.
How much of the project do I own?
Proportionally to your contributions relevant to the contributions of other members. You add to the tribe and the other members vote on the perceived value of your contributions
Does Tribehouse take any shares?
No, Tribehouse does not receive shares in any project that is being ran as part of Tribehouse. All intellectual property belong, and will always belong to the tribers.
Why are the projects open source?
Imagine someone comes over, makes a few commits and then vanishes. Your tribe flourishes and eventually builds a successful business.. and then your old buddy, good ol' friend pops out of nowhere with a lawsuit. To avoid that kind of unpleasant surprises the projects start open source
Doesn't open source mean someone can steal our project?
Technically yes, but practically not really. The projects are all MIT-licensed, meaning you can't modify them without explicit permission from owners. Besides, its your code,, you will always be at a huge advantage when developing it further.
How senior do I have to be to apply?
We allow everyone to participate, even very junior people but as we tend to have higher demand for more senior professionals. Wait time for answer could prolong for junior engineers.
What kind of projects Tribehouse run?
Mostly innovative business solutions, crypto projects or consumer applications
What kind of technologies can I use in Tribehouse?
Java, C#, Python, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue, SQL, C++, Ruby. We run projects in all popular technological stacks. Plus, we also need designers, project managers, marketing folks.. well, literally everyone you'd expect in a regular startup.

Decentralized Startup Swarm

With TribeDAO, you will receive a fair share of the ownership of the project you are building, backed with cryptographic smart contracts. This way you can trust each vote on Tribehouse even if the leadership changes, the community will still rule. Your contributions are engraved in stone for eternity written on ethereum-blockchain.

For your continuous contributions, the TribeDAO will award you TribeGold ($TRBG). TribeGold can be spent on special NFT cards that you can use to trigger certain events in Tribehouse (leader voting, reclaim abandoned project etc). The initial amount of TribeGold received is your ownership of the project (regardless of how much $TRBG you sold or spent on cards).

Explore TribeDAO